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Hardhout importeur

Regge Hout is a hardwood importer that focuses on sustainable wood sorts for civil engineering. To import the best tropical hardwood, European hardwood and softwood, we have worldwide contacts and suppliers. We import the wood from South America, Africa and Europe, among others. Here, our purchasers select the best woods and make them ready to be shipped to the Netherlands. We strive to an assortment tropical hardwood, European hardwood and softwood, in which the quality is key. We import wood, based on adaptability, quality, life span, applicability and the environmental demands. Thanks to many years of experience in the import of wood, we are able to deliver the best wood and the best products.

Aware and sustainable wood

As an importer of hardwood, we attach great value to the importing of the right wood with the right quality labels. We do this to be able to offer our customers products with a reliable origin. We import wood from areas where sustainable forest management is adapted and where man, nature and environment are being taken into consideration.

Why import wood?

As an importer of wood, we advise wood for applications for civil engineering, because of the sustainability, applicability and environmental friendliness. Wood is an inexhaustible material that is renewable. This, in comparison to exhaustible materials like petroleum and ores, makes it a very attractive material. In addition, during its lifetime, wood fixates large amounts of CO2, which is being converted into oxygen. At sustainable forest management, wood is very environment reliable. Few energy is needed for the production, compared to materials like subsoil or concrete. In addition, wood is more easily adaptable, due to which it is usably for many different adaptations. Wood is very recyclable and no toxic emission is released during the use of wooden products. Wood is a natural product with a warm appearance. During the use of sustainable hard wood types, it is stable. Because we import our woods from areas with sustainable forest management, we stimulate and support the right way of producing and therefore, this material will be present for many generations.

Our sales team is happy to answer your questions about the import of wood.

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