Are you a business customer and do you want to contact one of our salespeople or employees? We are always willing to answer your questions and share our knowledge, to be able to offer you the right products. You can get in contact with us via the following details, or by filling out the form below:

Regge Hout B.V.
Breukersweg 9
Goor, 7471 ST

Chamber of Commerce: 56172486
VAT: NL852004606B01

Phone: +31 547 286350
Fax: +31 547 286351

Contact details sales team

Are you a business customer and do you have a question about wood, or would you like to request a quote? Our sales team will be happy to assist you. You can contact a salesman directly, or you can email us via

Maarten Winkelhorst, +31 06 22395446
Roel Bournas, +31 547 286395
Rutger Vehof, +31 (0)6 51691812
Stan Stevens, +31 547 286398
Hans Tijhof, + 31 547 286394

Go to Specification request to propose a specification request.

Go to Offer request to propose an offer.

Contact details purchase team

 Are you an existing supplier, or would you like to approach Regge Hout for selling wood and/or wood adaptations? Our purchase team is happy to help you.

Please do not use the purchase team’s email address to propose an offer. To propose an offer, you can contact the sales team directly, or send us an email via

Phone: +31 547 286353
Fax: +31 547 284812

Contact details dispatch

Phone: +31 547 286352
Fax: +31 547 262580

Contact details financial

Phone: +31 547 286391
Fax: +31 547 286392



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