Wood available from stock

Hardwood importer Regge Hout always has 10,000 m3 wood available off the shelf.

Regge Wood is a member of several industry and trade associations.

Wood Types


Wood Products


Wood Applications


Our projects


Wholesale business in wood

Regge Hout is a wholesale business specialized in certified wood and wood products for civil engineering. Apart from tropical hardwood and European hardwood, we also deliver softwood and have woodcraft machines at our disposal. With almost 100 years of experience and a wood stock of over 10,000 m3, Regge Hout is one of the biggest wood wholesales in the Benelux.

From a reliable source

Wood and wood products from a reliable source. That is our thought, the foundation of our company: certified wood, such as the FSC® (CU-COC-008536) and PEFC™. All wood and wood products that are delivered by Regge Hout originate from areas with sustainable forest management. In addition, Regge Hout greatly values corporate social responsibility and makes this CSR thinking process come back in all our business processes.

Safegrip on Site

Regge Hout biedt voor haar dekdelen de optie antislip voorziening of safegrip aan. Dekdelen kunnen gevaarlijk glad worden door slijtage, algen of regen, wat de begaanbaarheid verslechterd en de risico’s op ongelukjes vergroot


Welk hout waarvoor?

Welke Houtsoort kunt u gebruiken voor welke toepassing? De eigenschappen van iedere houtsoort en de sterkte- & duurzaamheidsklasse bepalen voor



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